Gun & Pistol Auctions & Valuations

Our militaria department specialises in the valuation and sale of Guns, Pistols, and Air Weapons. We hold three specialst auctions a year, which regularly feature British & European air rifles, shotguns, Gallery guns, air guns, percussion guns, pistols and more. Items are consigned from across the UK. Single items through to whole collections are welcome.

Recent successes include the David Swan Air Weapon collection.

We provide a free pre-sale valuation for guns, pistols and other militaria.  All items consigned are expertly catalogued and professionally photographed.

We hold valuation days at our offices each weekday from 9am-4pm and also provide a free online valuation service.

Free home visits are available for larger collections. To arrange a free pre-sale valuation with a specialist please call 0191 4303000 or email


Gun & Pistol Auction Archives


 Lot 901-A butt reservoir single shot tap loading air...

A butt reservoir single shot tap loading air rifle, by William Dooley, 11 Ranelagh Street, Liverpool, sold for £2,800.


Lot 347-A large early 19th Century flintlock pistol, by...

A large early 19th Century flintlock pistol, by Henry Nock, London, sold for £2,800.

Lot 912-A cased single shot ball reservoir air rifle/shot ...

A cased single shot ball reservoir air rifle/shot gun, sold for £3,600.

 Lot 889-A late 18th Century Continental round-the-barrel...

A late 18th Century Continental round-the-barrel reservoir smooth bore air gun, probably German, with pump in the butt, Flintlock action, sold for £2,000.

Lot 460-A cased 54 bore five shot Tranter patent...

A cased 54 bore five shot Tranter patent percussion revolver, by James Beattie & Son, 205 Regent Street West, London, No. 22699 T, London proof marks c.1860, sold for £3,000.

 1052 -

A Brown O.H. .22cal. Pneumatic pistol, no. 174 circa 1939,

Sold £1,700



Fred Wyrley-Birch

Fred Wyrley-Birch

View Profile >



Next Auction

The Autograph Collection of the late Franz-Peter Bach
The Autograph Collection of the late Franz-Peter Bach
5th Mar, 2025 14:00


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