A big change towards the UK’s data privacy law comes into effect on 25th May 2018. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a positive change towards giving you more control over how your data is used and how you are contacted.
Anderson & Garland Ltd. is committed to protecting the privacy of your personal information and as such we have set out below the information we will collect from you, how long we will keep it, why we collect the information and the legal basis for our processing of your personal information under Data Protection Law.
Also outlined below are your rights in relation to your personal data once you have given it to us, details of our subcontractors with whom we may share your information where necessary and the length of time we will retain information collected from you.
The personal information we collect from you is used primarily to enable us to provide the specific service you require. If we need to contact you in relation to your account we will use the data you provide to do so. We may use your details to inform you of future sales but this would be limited to specialist items that you have previously shown an interest in.
The personal information we may collect will be:
There are third parties with whom we may share your information. These are companies who provide a service, either directly to Anderson and Garland Ltd., or to our clients directly where we subcontract services (for example the arrangement of carriage of goods). It is essential that they have access to this information to enable us to provide you with the service you have requested. Information will only be shared or accessed where it is necessary for us to do so. These companies include:
We have carefully considered the lawful basis for processing of personal information and have included a list of services below and the lawful basis we consider applies in each case. Presenting the information in this way will assist you in understanding your rights in relation to the personal data held and the length of time we will hold the information.
Lawful basis
Retention Period |
Service Provided |
7 years from the conclusion of the contract |
Sale of items in our auction |
Purchase of items in our auction |
Bidding in our auction |
Internal Valuations taking place at Anderson House |
External Valuations taking place at an outside venue or in a customers’ home |
Providing written valuations or services for private treaty or willing buyer/willing seller transactions |
Retention period unfixed due to the nature of service which is a lifelong service and often a post death service to the estate. Expected maximum length of retention 50 years |
Providing written valuations for probate or insurance purposes |
Legitimate Interest |
7 years after the last business interaction/activity unless we receive a request to be removed from the applicable service provision list. |
Provision of our printed catalogue by post |
Invitations to private view events we may hold |
Invitations to consign items |
To inform you of specialist items that you have previously shown an interest in |
Consent |
Until a request to be removed is received (an unsubscribe option will be provided on every email) |
General sales information / auction updates by email |
e- newsletters by email |
What are your rights in relation to the personal information held?
The GDPR sets out the following rights for data subjects;
Further information may be found on the Information Commissioner’s website https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/
Subject access requests to allow individuals to find out more about the personal data the Company holds about them, what it is being used for and why may be made in writing addressed to the Company’s General Manager at Anderson House, Crispin Court, Westerhope, NE5 1BF. Responses will be made within one month or where a request is complex or numerous requests are made this may be extended to two months.
Homes & Interiors Auction
The Comics Auction
The Autograph Collection of the late Franz-Peter Bach